Progress Report
Name: Doe, Jane
Date of Birth: 22-Mar-08
Current Grade in School: 7th
Grade at Evaluation: 5th
Evaluation Date: 12-Oct-18
Jane has just completed a Progress Assessment for the Grade 3-8 Comprehensive Reading Assessment that consist of the core tasks from the original Comprehensive Assessment. The data provided in this report examines the extent to which Jane has improved her general reading performance since the initial assessment occurred by examining performance on these core tasks.
This Progress Assessment takes considerably less time to complete than the associated Comprehensive Assessment. Re-assessment using this Progress Assessment may be performed as frequently as once a week. The Reading Success Assessment Module samples from a large pool of task items on any assessment occasion. This means that no two assessments are the same, and it means that each assessment provides an indication of general reading performance. This means that any improvements from the initial assessment to the reassessments can be confidently interpreted as being improvements in general reading competence, rather than improvements on a selected set of reading materials.
This Progress Asssessment includes these four core tasks from its Comprehensive Assessment counterpart:
- Word Identification: Measuresability to identify/pronounce 3, 4, 5, & 6 letter words
- Pseudo Word Identification: Measuresability to identify/pronounce 3, 4, 5, & 6 letter sequence that are similar to real words but not words
- Word Meaning Activation: Measuresability to access the meaning of words
- Sentence Understanding: Measuresability to understand semantic appropriateness of words in sentences.
The software system measured speed and accuracy of performance on these tasks on the dates selected for this report. This report is based on an analysis of the pattern of performance for these tasks over the dates selected.
The table below shows Jane’s accuracy, speed and grade level percentile on each of the tasks on the initial assessment or re-assessment dates selected.
The percentile score ranges in value from 1 [lowest] to 99 [highest]. For example a percentile score of 89 means that the performance is as good as or better than 89% of people the same age. A person who is exactly average will be in the 50th percentile.

Each assessment provides an indication of general reading performance. Any improvements from the initial assessment to the reassessments can be confidently interpreted as being improvements in general reading competence and is therefore a positive development. Of particular importance is any improvement in percentile score as this indicates that not only is the student improving in a core skill but is also improving faster that their peers.
Percentile score progress by core task:
Grade 3-5 Word Naming

Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming

Grade 3-5 Word Meaning

Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding

Response Time Performance
Looking at response time [fluency] for the tasks that were completed in both the initial assessment and the reassessment[s], we can see that Jane displayed significant improvement in response time on the Grade 3-5 Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Word Meaning and Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding tasks.
Accuracy Performance
Looking at accuracy for the tasks that were completed in both the initial assessment and the reassessment[s], we can see that Jane displayed significant improvement in accuracy on the Grade 3-5 Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Word Meaning and Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding tasks.
Grade Level Percentile Performance
Improvements in grade level percentile indicate something different than changes in accuracy and response time. Grade level percentile compares performance scores to other students the same age. Improvement in this measure are very significant because it means that the student is not only improving in speed and accuracy, but is improving faster than his/her peers. Gains in grade level percentiles are especially important indicators of progress for students who are having reading difficulties.
Looking at percentile for the tasks that were completed in both the initial assessment and the reassessment[s], we can see that Jane displayed significant improvement in percentile on the Grade 3-5 Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Word Meaning and Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding tasks.
Jane shows evidence that her reading performance is improving. She has improved grade level percentiles on enough of the assessment tasks to reach the conclusion that there has been a general improvement in reading performance. In particular, the graphs and table above show that Jane has improved grade level percentile on the Grade 3-5 Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Word Meaning and Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding tasks.
In addition to there being improvement in grade level percentiles, Jane also shows improvement in speed and/or accuracy while completing several of the reading tasks. Jane shows improvements in accuracy on the Grade 3-5 Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Word Meaning and Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding tasks. In addition, Jane also shows improvements in fluency [speed] of task performance on the Grade 3-5 Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Non-Word Naming, Grade 3-5 Word Meaning and Grade 3-5 Sentence Understanding tasks.
The fact that Jane is improving in reading performance means that whatever she is doing with respect to reading improvement is working. The current intervention should continue.
The Progress Testing and Analysis summarized in this report is an effective technique for determining whether an intervention strategy is working. It provides an independent measure of whether a student’s basic reading skills are improving with whatever intervention strategy is being used. Intervention strategies that are leading to reading gains should be continued and strategies that are not should be abandoned for other, new strategies.
This Progress Assessment Report analyzes the gains made over the period of time selected for the basic reading skill tasks, Word Identification, PseudoWord Identification, Word Meaning Activation and Sentence Understanding. The analysis considered grade level percentile, speed and accuracy with gains in grade level percentile being most significant as such a gains indicate improvement faster than one’s peers.
One is most likely to see gains in Word Identification first as this is the most basic of the four tasks. Gains in PseudoWord Identification may or may not follow. This skill measures a student’s adeptness with phonics and some students have a fundamental issue with phonics that inhibits progress on this task. Improvements on Word Meaning Activation and Sentence Understanding often take longer to develop as these are more complex tasks.
Net gains on these basic skill tasks is a positive development. However, sufficient time and intensity must be given to an intervention plan for it to be effective. Hopefully, one would see gains for an intervention plan within three months. If a plan has not produced measurable gains within six months, one should try a different intervention plan.