Diagnosing Dyslexia and Other Reading Problems

Our evaluations are research-based and effective in diagnosing reading problems. Children have difficulty learning to read for many reasons. Our diagnostic evaluations help identify the problems.
- Diagnostic evaluations are a series of 5-8 tests available for Kindergarten – Adult
- A detailed, easy-to-read, personal report is created
This report identifies whether dyslexia or a different reading problem is indicated
- All you need is a current browser and an internet connection
Diagnose with our
Free Dyslexia Test
Monthly plans from
only $20/month!
We accurately identify reading problems measuring response time and accuracy.
To be a good reader one must be both fast and accurate. Response time indicates how automatic a skill is because thinking takes time.
- Response time and accuracy on each task is used to determine skill level
- Typically a student performs better on some tasks than others
- Student performance is compared to other students in the same grade
- Different reading problems produce distinct performance patterns on evaluation tests
- How the student performs on a combination of tasks identifies their reading problem
Tests in a Diagnostic Evaluation
All tests are grade appropriate. Younger grades emphasize phonological and phonemic awareness.
Kindergarten – Grade 1
- Reaction Time
- Letter Naming
- Rhyming
- Initial Phoneme
- Final Phoneme
Grade 2
- Reaction Time
- Letter Naming
- Initial Phoneme
- Final Phoneme
- Word Naming
- Sentences
- Listening Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension
Grade 3 – Adult
- Reaction Time
- Letter Naming
- Word Naming
- Nonsense Word Naming
- Word Meaning
- Sentence Understanding
- Listening Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension
Our testing is unique and accurate because we measure both response time and accuracy. Fast indicates automatic.

Steps in an Evaluation:
A test item appears, starting a timer
Student mentally forms a response
Student speaks response and presses SPACEBAR and timer captures response time
Spoken responses are scored for accuracy by the test administrator. The test administrator can be a paraprofessional, a parent, or even a fellow student. The software provides the correct response allowing errorless scoring.
Some tasks require a button click and are automatically scored
Fluency, the key to being a good reader.
We combine response time and accuracy into a measure we call fluency
Fluency is highest when reading is fast and accurate, and lowest when reading is slow and inaccurate
For each evaluation task an average fluency score is expressed as a percentile score.
The Report
Upon completion of a diagnostic evaluation the system generates and displays a comprehensive report. This report is personalized and individualized based on results of testing and background information entered. No two reports are the same. The report can be printed and is always available for future viewing.
Report sections include:
- Background Information
- Reading Success Lab Tests
- Questionnaire Interpretation
- Diagnostic Test Results and Interpretation
- Intervention Plan
- Next Steps
- Additional Resources
> View A Sample Report

The diagnostic capabilities of the software and follow up remediation is exactly what School Psychologists and Reading Specialists are looking for. Remediation follows data collection and assessment. In my opinion, it’s by far a winner. Diagnosis is precise and the software is user friendly.