Fix Reading Problems
Our Skill Builder software turns problem readers into capable readers.
A good reader processes basic reading skills automatically, without thought. Lack of automated processing is the most common cause of reading problems. Reading comprehension becomes compromised as a result.
Our intervention exercises focus on making basic reading skills automatic. These exercises are research-based and proven effective with problem readers.
Diagnose with our
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only $20/month!
To read well one must master these basic skills automatically:
Letter recognition
Letter sounds
Combining letter sounds to form words
Rapid recognition of words
Start Fixing Reading Problems with Skill Builder Exercises
Reading requires a mastery of skills starting very simple ranging up to comprehension. Any failure up the ladder of complexity will block good reading comprehension.
Our exercises focus on strengthening basic skills up through rapid sight recognition of words and math facts. Our diagnostic software recommends a starting point for these exercises.
Identify the most basic skill needing improvement
Target that skill at a level where the student can succeed
Student masters all exercises for that skill
Student moves to next basic skill needing attention
Materials appropriate for Kindergarten through College
RSL Skill Builder Exercises
Each skill builder exercise is organized into parts to be mastered. All exercises are grade-appropriate and will normally have multiple sets of equal difficulty. Students work on each page of a set. When a set is mastered, they move to the next set.
How the Skill Builder System Works
The goal of a reading program is to make reading an automatic process; for people to know what a letter, word or math fact is without thinking. Our exercises develop this skill.
Here are the steps of our skill building system:
Items appear one at a time with the student speaking the word out loud and pressing SPACEBAR at the same time. Time taken is the time interval from word appearance to the SPACEBAR press. The response accuracy is manually scored. The test administrator can be a paraprofessional, a parent, or even fellow students who can take turns being the student or the test administrator.
A report shows speed and accuracy performance for current and previous sessions. You see trends graphed and observations about the trends. The report identifies when mastery has been reached, usually 95% accuracy and a speed of 60 items/min.
> View sample report
RSL Skill Builder Exercises
Each grade appropriate skill builder exercise is organized into chunks that are separately mastered. One exercise will normally have multiple sets of equal difficulty. The learner works on a set until mastered. Then the learner moves to the next set.
A set is divided into pages. One works with each selected page one at a time during a session.
Letter Naming
- 3 Sets
- 1 Pages/Set
- 40 Items/Page
Word Families
- 6 Sets
- 4 Pages/Set
- 40 Items/Page
Grade 1 Words
- 2 Sets
- 4 Pages/Set
- 25 Items/Page
Grade 2-8 Words
- 3 Sets
- 4 Pages/Set
- 40 Items/Page
SAT Vocab
- 5 Sets
- 4 Pages/Set
- 42 Items/Page
Our Skill Builder Exercises Improve Reading Skills in General:
Improve reading ability on practice material
Improve performance on materials they have never seen
Overall reading skills improve
The Skill Builder Designer Module
Customize a program that is right for your reader.
Our Skill Builder Designer Module allows you to add your own content for custom education. You can easily develop a Skill Builder that is suited to your reader’s needs. Materials developed with our Skill Builder Designer Module can be saved for personal use, shared within a unit (classroom, school), or saved into our Skill Builder Library for use by anyone using the Reading Success Lab software.
Custom Content Examples:
- Materials requested by a teacher or tutor
- Material drawn from graded reading texts
- Grade-level vocabulary lists drawn from statewide curriculum standards
- Beginning and end-of-year reading lists based on local curriculum
- Foreign language content
- Spelling lists
- Vocabulary lists for statewide testing programs or for ACT or SAT preparation
- Vocabulary lists based on specific licensure exams
- Vocabulary found in assigned reading books
In just five sessions with the Skill Builder Module I could hear a difference in the oral reading fluency of my three least confident readers. They’re highly motivated to improve with the Skill Builder Module Software. With the Skill Builder Module it is easy to keep track of each student’s progress to share with parents at conference time. No special expertise is required to work with the Skill Builder Module program. I’ve trained volunteers in fifteen minutes to effectively work with my most reluctant readers. I’m very excited about a new Designer Module that allows me to program the vocabulary I’ll be teaching in novels and other units, so that my students get to preview and practice these words. The Skill Builder Module software is making learning more accessible for my at-risk students every day.