Who We Help

Our primary focus is on struggling readers. However, our tools have proven effective with students who have a variety of other needs such as preparing for subject matter courses or SAT or vocational exams.

Here are some common usages:

  • Find out if a student has dyslexia or a different problem
  • Help a struggling reader who is not progressing with current instruction
  • Response To Intervention – Find out if your current method of instruction is effective
  • Reading Success lab is a great resource for a homeschooled child who struggles in learning to read
  • Learn new subject matter vocabulary before taking a course such as physics, history or chemistry
  • Master new vocabulary to prepare for college entrance exams
  • Help vocational students preparing for licensing exams learn necessary specialized vocabulary

The Reading Success Lab software is an important part of our work. We use it to assess and monitor the learning needs of middle school students in over two thousand schools throughout Australia. The thorough research base and flexibility of the Reading Success Lab sets this system apart. Every school (and home) should have one!

Lorraine G., Ph.D., University of New England, AU