Free Dyslexia Screening Tests

Is your child having trouble with reading or phonics?

This test helps identify reading problems like dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

  • These are real tests developed by professors from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, not a questionnaire, like most other free offerings.

  • We have separate tests for children in kindergarten, grades 1 and 2, and grades 3-8.

  • Accuracy and speed is measured in 3 skill areas.

  • A personalized report is provided immediately after indicating whether a reading problem may be present.

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Testing Info

The testing takes about 15 minutes including small breaks between the tests. The student performs three skill tests: Letter Naming, Word Naming, and Nonsense Word Naming.

Fluency Measured

The system measures fluency, a combination of speed and accuracy. Fluency is highest when fast and accurate. Fluency is lowest when slow and inaccurate. Fluency is measured for every student response.

Diagnostic Results

Fluency measurements for the 3 tasks performed is carefully analyzed. In this process weaknesses are uncovered.  It is also determined whether identified weaknesses may be the result of dyslexia or something else.

The Reading Success Lab program is a success for disadvantaged readers. I assessed my at risk readers and was amazed that a few of them were diagnosed as dyslexic. The follow up one-word practice certainly helped.

Kathleen R., Tutoring Center Teacher

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