Tackle reading problems. Build fluency. Become a better reader.
Help Children Who Struggle To Read
Our system is used successfully by thousands of students, teachers and parents around the world. It was developed during 17 years of research at a University of Massachusetts Learning Lab for problem readers.
Lead your student to Reading Success!
Our online test leads a student through a series of reading tasks. Exercises begin simple and become more difficult.
When you are done a personalized report identifies and explains your student’s reading profile. It may be added to a student’s educational record.
The testing protocols used are research-based and documented in top scientific journals. More Info…

With our research-based individualized interventions you can target identified weaknesses. Students experience success immediately and then advance to more challenging material as they gain ability and confidence. More Info…
Measure improvement in four important reading skills as frequently as once per week. After each progress test session you get a report that shows the progress a student has made since the original diagnostic testing. More Info…

Listen to a student’s reading improvement
Perfect for Home or School
Our online tools identify the source of reading problems and provide a tailored program for reading success.
In the Reading Success Lab you can:
Identify dyslexia, learning disabilities and other reading problems.
Build vocabulary from early readers to honors biology.
Improve reading fluency [speed + accuracy], confidence, and comprehension.
Track progress frequently.
Measure Response to Intervention [RTI] for any reading program.
Meet standards of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
Serve unlimited number of students from a single administrator account.
From our Customers
The report was extremely useful and I wish I had it long ago. It delivered the results I expected but the detail of the report was a very pleasant surprise. I think this software is excellent. The customer service from Dr. Wise has been timely and friendly. My expectations have been exceeded.
Ashlei M., M.Sc. Educational Psychologist
We have been using our Reading Success Lab tools and love the results. It is an excellent program at a fraction of the costs of other programs, yet much more comprehensive.
Ali H., Ph.D., Attention & Achievement Center President
My daughter started your system as a 3rd grader with a fairly severe reading disability, far behind her peers. She used your intervention system throughout her school years. Since entering High School, Maeve has been on the honor roll each and every semester.
I always thank our lucky stars that we met you.
Katie F., Parent
The Reading Success Lab program is a success for disadvantaged readers. I assessed my at risk readers and was amazed that a few of them were diagnosed as dyslexic. The follow up one-word practice certainly helped.
Kathleen R., Tutoring Center Teacher
The schools report very favourable on the use of the software and its ability to encourage, support and monitor the increase in automaticity and understanding of fundamental skills of low-achieving students in numeracy and literacy.
Professor John P., Director SiMERR National Research Centre, University of New England, Australia
I think the automaticity training is excellent!
Michael G., Elementary School SPED Teacher
…the use of RSL has given my students the confidence to take risks and engage with books and poem charts as they are able to recognize sight words and feel successful. They are able to practice daily and look forward to improving their scores and take great pride in showing that they ‘got more words today’. It was that little extra push that they needed to show them that they can read!